Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Universal Search Optimization 101

Now that we've covered the fundamentals of universal search, it's time to look at how to optimize for this new search experience.

Universal (or blended) search refers to the non-traditional results we see in the SERPs. The results could be video, images, local search, news, shopping, or other rich content. Let's look at specific things you should do to optimize these areas.

Optimize for Image Search

You've probably heard the adage that a picture speaks a thousand words. Well why not use that to your advantage?

Web sites are often too text heavy. Choosing the right images to help tell the story without a lot of text can provide a better user experience if done correctly. Sometimes images help create an emotional attachment to the products or services you offer.

To optimize for universal or blended search:
Incorporate rich ALT text for each image. Remember to intuitively describe the image using targeted keywords. The more descriptive the better.

Include your keywords in the image file names.

Make sure that the content that surrounds the image is highly relevant. Relevancy is always a key factor in optimization.

Optimize for Video Search

Video has become one of the best tools for optimization because it serves multiple purposes. It helps engage visitors, keeps them on your site longer, and reduces your bounce rate.

One of the best ideas for developing video content is to add instructional or how-to videos. Try keeping them between two to three minutes in length.

Don't forget the crucial step of tagging your video with the right keywords. Upload your video to popular video sites like YouTube to help get more exposure and increase popularity.

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